What is Adventure Racing?
Adventure racing (also called expedition racing) is typically a multi-disciplinary team sport involving navigation over an unmarked wilderness course with races extending anywhere from two hours up to two weeks in length. Some races offer solo competition as well. The principle disciplines in adventure racing include trekking, mountain biking and paddling, although races can incorporate a multitude of other disciplines including climbing, abseiling, horse riding, skiing and white water rafting. Teams generally vary in gender mix and in size from two to five competitors, however the premier format is considered to be mixed gender teams of four racers. There is typically no suspension of the clock during races, irrespective of length; elapsed competition time runs concurrently with real time, and competitors must choose if or when to rest. Team NSP Sports participate in a 500km non-stop adventure race every year, named Expedition Africa. The team also participate in 3 120km full moon races to prepare for this giant of a race. As of 2016, the team has decided to enter a novice team every team to get more people into adventure racing. We also provide training programs and camps for those that what to experience the rugged outdoors. Contact us for more information |